Monday, December 19, 2011

Pet Spotlight- Whites Dumpy Tree Frog!

Are you looking for a beginner reptile/amphibian! Well the Whites dumpy tree frog may be just the pet! I have one of these and they are amazing pets! In my opinion the most fun part about having them is they're nature and feeding them!

I recently got one this past Summer and it has been a great addition to our family! It might be kind of expensive at first but it is well worth it in the end here are some topics on how to keep one as a pet!

They are larger than your average tree frog so your going to want to have a larger cage! Mine is in an exo terra rainforest small (see pic right). This suits him well and will be a good cage. You can even upgrade to an exo terra medium if he gets real big. You basically need to recreate the rainforest in his/her cage! This part is really fun but there are some other requirements we need to consider also! Such as lighting, heating, and humidity! These are all vital needs of a Whites Tree Frog! You will need to have a thermometer and a hygrometer these can either be digital or analog. The humidity needs to be kept at 50%-60% if it is anything higher or lower you need to do something about it. For the temperature during the day 80 degrees F-86 Degrees F.  Sometimes it is a challenge during the winter to keep them both at the correct levels. During the winter here I have to have the heat lamp and the humidifier going at the same time! Now on to the fun stuff! Your frog is going to need things to climb on LOTS! The substrate is also very important I use the compacted coconut fiber, it is very easy to use and fairly good priced. I have a bendable vine and basically whats in the picture (right). The water for them NEEDS to be purified with something such as Reptisafe (that is personally my favorite, a little bit goes a long way).

They will eat almost anything offered they are not picky eaters! But you need to make sure you give them safe things to eat. Mine eats 3-4 crickets every night that are the size of the space in between his two eyes ( that is how big they're stomachs are. They may also eat mealworms, waxworms, superworms, hornworms, and the occasional pinkie mouse ONLY WHEN THEY ARE ADULTS! Do not overfeed as it will lead to obesity and health problems.

If you want more information on these frogs here is some sources you can check out!

Herpcare101's Youtube

and you can always check out the old youtube!

The Pet Blogger

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