Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hey Blog Buddies!

Well, I don't have many page views or anything so ya! lol. But I am refusing to give up I am upkeeping another blog along with this one. I am kind of lost about what other animal I should post next so if you guys have any idea just feel free to comment on this post. I guess Im just getting kind of discouraged because I take away part of my time making this blog so please follow or etc. Just come visit more often and have some fun!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Exo-Terra is an amazing brand! They always have great quality products. I use their products alot with my Dumpy Tree Frog. Since this week is all about Whites Tree Frogs I thought I would post some products from Exo-Terra that are great for these kinds of tree frogs!

Exo Terra Rainforest Kits
I use one of these kits for my White's Tree Frog because it is really a great deal! It is fairly pricey but it does come with almost everything to start up your White's Tree Frog with a really cool habitat. They are visually apealing and very high quality. With the dual swinging door they have very high protection. My frog has never once got out of his cage, let alone tried, because its like paradise!
      Small Kit Includes:
  • Glass Terrarium
  • Compact Top
  • Hygrometer
  • Thermometer
  • Rock Background
  • Small Waterdish
  • Plantation Soil
  • Jungle Plant Croton
  • Jungle Plant Amapallo
  • Jungle Vine Medium
  • Jungle Fern Small
Medium Includes: Exo Terra Glass Terrarium - Compact Top - Hygromometer - Thermometer - Rock Background - Water Dish Medium - Plantation Soil - Jungle Plant Croton - Jungle Plant Amapallo - Jungle Vine Small - Jungle Vine Large - Jungle Fern Large - Instruction Manual

Exo-Terra Compact Bulbs

The advantage of the Exo Terra Repti Glo Compact Fluorescent bulb is its size and the fact that it is self-ballasted. A regular screw fitting is sufficient to operate these bulbs. The spiral shape of the bulb enables vertical or horizontal mounting without compromising performance. I use one of these in my White's Tree Frog's Exo-Terra Tank.

Exo-Terra Heat Wave
I have to confess I don't use one of these I actually got a zoo med one but it was a last minute decision. I needed one right away because it was an emergency but if I would have had time I would have gotten one of these!
The Rainforest substrate heater simulates a heated forest floor of tropical areas. The sun is often blocked by trees and clear skies are alternated by cloudy conditions in tropical areas or rainforests. Heavy rainfall keeps the soil often moist what results in a high air humidity, especially when the sun breaks through the clouds and heats up the moist soil. Because of the climatological conditions, the soil or substrate never heat up to the extreme like in desert environments. The power of the Heat Wave Rainforest substrate heater is designed to create these conditions in the terrarium.

Plantation Soil
Exo Terra Plantation Soil is made from compressed coconut husk fibre from the plantations of tropical Asia. This ecological substrate is ideal for increasing humidity in the terrarium and is totally safe for frogs, salamanders and burrowing or digging animals. The substrate can also be used as an incubation medium because of its hygroscopic properties. This 100% natural substrate can even be used as a nutritional planting soil for live plants in a terrarium set-up.

These are just some of Exo-Terra's amazing products and I encourage you to check out their website at: Exo-Terra Website.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Pet Spotlight- Whites Dumpy Tree Frog!

Are you looking for a beginner reptile/amphibian! Well the Whites dumpy tree frog may be just the pet! I have one of these and they are amazing pets! In my opinion the most fun part about having them is they're nature and feeding them!

I recently got one this past Summer and it has been a great addition to our family! It might be kind of expensive at first but it is well worth it in the end here are some topics on how to keep one as a pet!

They are larger than your average tree frog so your going to want to have a larger cage! Mine is in an exo terra rainforest small (see pic right). This suits him well and will be a good cage. You can even upgrade to an exo terra medium if he gets real big. You basically need to recreate the rainforest in his/her cage! This part is really fun but there are some other requirements we need to consider also! Such as lighting, heating, and humidity! These are all vital needs of a Whites Tree Frog! You will need to have a thermometer and a hygrometer these can either be digital or analog. The humidity needs to be kept at 50%-60% if it is anything higher or lower you need to do something about it. For the temperature during the day 80 degrees F-86 Degrees F.  Sometimes it is a challenge during the winter to keep them both at the correct levels. During the winter here I have to have the heat lamp and the humidifier going at the same time! Now on to the fun stuff! Your frog is going to need things to climb on LOTS! The substrate is also very important I use the compacted coconut fiber, it is very easy to use and fairly good priced. I have a bendable vine and basically whats in the picture (right). The water for them NEEDS to be purified with something such as Reptisafe (that is personally my favorite, a little bit goes a long way).

They will eat almost anything offered they are not picky eaters! But you need to make sure you give them safe things to eat. Mine eats 3-4 crickets every night that are the size of the space in between his two eyes ( that is how big they're stomachs are. They may also eat mealworms, waxworms, superworms, hornworms, and the occasional pinkie mouse ONLY WHEN THEY ARE ADULTS! Do not overfeed as it will lead to obesity and health problems.

If you want more information on these frogs here is some sources you can check out!

Herpcare101's Youtube


and you can always check out the old youtube!

The Pet Blogger

Friday, October 21, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hamster Bedding

When getting a hamster it is very important to get bedding that is safe for your hamster! The best type of bedding you can get is carefresh! It can be expensive but it Is worth every penny. It is super absorbent and controls odor very well. Another important thing to remember is that you should never ever use pine or cedar bedding. If your going to use wood shavings make sure you use Aspen
Wood shavings! The other ones can cause serious respiratory problems! Like always if you have any requests or questions just comment!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Pet Spotlight of The Week- The Hamster!

The hamster is an all time favorite pet and one of the most common types of rodents kept as pets!  They are fairly easy to care for and not too terribly expensive!  But as the same with all pets hamsters need the same loving care such as you would give to a dog!  With adult supervision young children can keep these awesome pets!!  Our family had a dwarf hamster, with the proper care it lived it's life to the fullest!  I have included some videos on hamster care!  Check these out if you want to get a hamster!
Please check it out to see how to care for a hamster!!!  If you have any ideas for more blogs just let me know!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Guinea Pig Foods Do's and Dont's!

I have gotten many questions on what kinds of vegetables you can feed your guinea pig!  This is a very good question and it should not be taken lightly!

Safe Foods:

  • Red Pepper (or green/yellow pepper. Red has the highest vitamin C concentration)
  • Carrots - both the root and the green tops are perfectly safe for your guinea pig.
  • Apples - just make sure they don't have any seeds.
  • Oranges
  • Leafy greens like red lettuce, romaine, Boston lettuce, (be sure to feed leafy vegetables in moderation to avoid diarrhea, and feed spinach a bit sparingly to avoid potential kidney problems.)
  • Cucumbers
  • Broccoli (in moderation since it can be gassy and cause a gas pain)
  • Green beans
  • Grapes
  • Bananas
  • Dandelion Greens
  • strawberries (in moderation)
  • oranges or clementines. A helpful way to feed these to your piggie if they're being picky is to scoop out some pulp from half an orange and leave some in it so they can lick it without needing to chew on it if they're not diggin' the texture.
  • spinach
  • cherry tomatoes in moderation
  • cilantro
  • dandelion greens
  • parsley - either curly or flat. They love it and it smells delicious when you're tearing some sprigs off the bunch to give it to them!
Non Safe Foods: 
  • Iceberg lettuce - this won't kill your guinea pig if you give him or her a little piece, but it has virtually no nutritional value, is quite fibrous and watery. It's been known to give guinea pigs diarrhea. With the great selection of other more leafy, dark lettuces available, just avoid this one and go with one of the others.
  • Any type of cabbage - like iceberg lettuce, a small piece is not likely to severely harm or kill your guinea pig, but it's very gassy and not good for their little systems. Stay away from it if you can.
  • Cauliflower - also very gas-producing.
  • Potato peelings - not that this would be something you'd be likely to give your piggie anyway, but toxins can exist in potato skins, particularly if they've begun to turn green, and they can be poisonous. Just toss them in your garbage disposal or trash instead of your piggie.
  • Raw beans (this doesn't mean green beans. This means things like raw, hard kidney beans, split peas, pinto beans, etc.)
  • Shelled nuts or seeds, particularly things like sunflower seeds or 'bird seed' type mixes, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, etc.
  • Rhubarb - the leaves of the rhubarb plant are poisonous, and the stalks are very, very sour.
  • Any type of meat or fish. Guinea pigs are vegetarian and looove a salad over a steak any day.
  • Dairy Products - while many stores will offer 'yogurt drops' and other 'treats', dairy is not healthy to feed your guinea pig and can actually cause problems. Feed natural treats like veggies instead of store brand treats. It's less expensive and your piggie will be much happier.
  • Chocolate, coffee or other caffeine-containing products.
  • Alcohol (this should go without saying!!)
  • Cookies/bread*

    *you can feed a small piece of cereal like a cheerio from time to time as a treat, but they will likely not even like it, so it's best to just avoid this altogether!
  • hamster food, gerbil food, rabbit food, or any other non-guinea pig food. Often these contain seeds, which are a big no-no, but they also have a different balance of vitamins and minerals which aren't suited for a guinea pig's dietary needs.
  • corn kernels. Popcorn isn't a very good idea either. Guinea pigs choke easily and think of how easy it is for us humans to get popcorn kernels stuck in our mouths and throats!
  • sugary foods like donuts, candy, or soda
  • Ice cream.
  • Any processed or fried foods that you would eat, including potato chips/nachos or french fries.
  • Cheese
  • anything spicy. jalapeno peppers, anything with cinnamon, etc.
Never ever feed your guinea pig any of these non safe foods!!! They are poison to your guinea pig and may kill your guinea pig and make them very sick!