Saturday, October 1, 2011

Home Made Guinea Pig Toys!

Since this weeks focus has been primarily on guinea pigs, I thought I would post some home made guinea pig toy ideas!
Paper Ball:
This one is real simple and should be a hit among all guinea pigs! Simply take a piece of paper and crumple it up! MAKE SURE THAT THERE IS NO INK ON THE PAPER.

PVC Pipe Tunnels:
Go to your local hardware store and get some pvc pipe wide enough to allow your guinea pig to run through! And ta da! You have an awesome toy!

Cardboard Box Hides:
Have any old cardboard boxes laying around?? Well take one of them and make it into a guinea pig hide!!! Turn them upside down and cut a hole into it big enough for your guinea pig to run through! Now you have a hide for your guinea pig!

Paper Bag O' Fun:
Take a paper bag (you know the ones you use for your kid's sack lunches) and plop it down in your guinea pig's cage!  This can be treated as a 2 in 1! Your guinea pig gets a hide and something it can destroy! W@W! Would you look at that! LOL

One of my guinea pig's personal favorites!  Put a small make up mirror or some small mirror in your guinea pig's cage and watch them check out their awesomeness!!

Small Stuffed Animals:
My guinea pig has one of these.  She loves it!  Sometimes I will peer around the corner to see what she is up to and she is asleep next to it!! Aww so cute!!

I bet there are many more ideas you can find out there on google! So go look! You won't be sorry!

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