Friday, September 30, 2011

Pet Spotlight- The Guinea Pig!

This week's pet spotlight is the Guinea Pig!!! (One of my personal fav.)
This is my guinea pig!!! They make such great pets!!!
Some Pros:
*They are very friendly and good with kids.
*They do not smell with regular cage cleanings.
*They make adorable noises and are very verbal.
*They are fairly easy to take care of.

Cons-not many
*Require bigger cages
*They can be fairly expensive when first getting them.
* Can be expensive.

From my personal experience a guinea pig may seem like a big responsibility at first. I know how much money small animals like these can be. Our guinea pig Karmel was a family gift! We bought something for her every month one thing up until Christmas. This is a great way to be able to get such a wonderful pet.

Guinea pigs do need a lot of attention and if you can't handle that then you should get 2 or consider not getting one at all :(

Guinea Pig Care:
These are some helpful videos on caring for guinea pigs! If you have anymore questions on guinea pig care feel free to comment! I will try to answer your questions as best as possible thanks!
Guinea Pig Care Video Playlist

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